Part 2 of 2.

In Part 1 of this blogpost (click here for link), I've written and shared my thoughts about sex and have raised several questions on whether or not one has to be married before he or she can enjoy sex. Given today's culture and society where 'casual sex' and sex in relationships are just a common thing, is it worth staying virgin until the day of marriage? What if a person never gets married, does it mean he is not supposed to experience sex ever at all?

Unlike in the first part however where I shared several scriptures to highlight points, this last piece of two parts will deal with excerpts from Passion and Purity, a book which became one of my top picks with its tag line that reads Bringing Your Love Life Under Christ's Control.

So let's get started.


It was one of the usual days back in high school. The weather was humid, and Social Studies seemed boring at that particular time of the day.  If my memory serves me right, I was expecting that the topic would take off from our previous lessons, but I was totally wrong. Surprisingly, our teacher opened the discussion with a not-related topic from that week's supply of news journals - a featured article about teenage crush and puppy love. Well, for a group of young people who nurtured crush on other girls and boys around the campus, the topic was definitely one refreshing and interesting. 

I could feel the sudden spark of interest and excitement inside the classroom; the boys passing some jokes toward each other in the middle of the discussion. While listening to my teacher, I caught myself dreaming with a smile as I thought of the boy across the other classroom who often made me tickle pink whenever we cross paths around the school quadrangle.

When the time was almost up, the mood got a little serious though. Our Social Studies teacher was discussing things like sex and virginity, and how important it is for everyone especially for girls to value their virginity. As I was looking at her, fair in her royal blue dress, I could feel the sternness  as she wrapped up the discussion. Her voice was loud and clear enough:

 She said:

“How beautiful it is to give yourself ‘fully and completely’ to the one you’ll marry someday"

She described that virginity is the best gift a woman could ever give to the man she'll be married to someday on their first night together as a married couple.

Those were the final words before the class was dismissed. 

Right now, I couldn't figure out exactly why my teacher lectured about sex and virginity during Social Studies Class where sex education was not within the scope of the course outline. And why she chose to discuss said topic out of all the featured articles from the news journals we had back then. Today, I still find it vivid in my memory how the article had looked like, the font, the caricature and the exact title: TRUE LOVE WAITS: Of Teenage Crushes and Puppy Loves. Honestly, I  did not give the lesson an afterthought nor did I and my friends talk about it again. As for my teacher, I have not seen her the succeeding school year as I heard she transferred to other school. But looking back now, I can tell how her words left some mark in a distant memory back in high school when the world seemed young, and I was carefree. 

In 1997, a Pinoy rock song dominated the local charts, with lyrics that went like these: 

Lo, mabuti  pa kayo ni lola, namulat sa matitinong uso. Lo, kahit baduy ka pang pumorma, kay lola ikaw naman ang nauna. (Granny, good for you you were raised to decent trends. Granny, though you're off-fashioned, you were the first (and only) man in grandma's life)
The entire song draws a huge disparity between the 90's and the old days, the time when people were old-fashioned. The above lyrics were sexually implicit, insinuating that you can hardly find a virgin these days.


Virginity, as defined, is the state of being single and never been into bed with anyone; it is lack of sexual experience. Elizabeth Elliot, author of the book Passion and Purity, defined it this way:

"…singleness meant one thing: VIRGINITY. If you were single, you had not been in bed with any man."
"If you are to be permanently single, you are never going to be in bed with any man.”

Mrs. Elliot further explained her definition of the term:

The reason why my roommates and I believed that singleness was synonymous with virginity was not that we were college students a hundred years ago when everybody believed that. It was not that we didn’t know any better. It was not that we were too naรฏve to have heard that people have been committing adultery and fornication for millennia. It was not that we were not yet liberated or even that we were just plain stupid. The reason is that we were “Christians”. We prized the sanctity of sex.” 

As stated,  Mrs. Elliot and her friends valued virginity with the highest regard for one special reason, that is, they prized the sanctity of sex --- at all costs and against all odds - no matter how difficult it may seem for them. That's how I see it. The excerpts  below will give us a hint that upholding the sanctity of sex is never an easy thing to do, especially in this fallen world where temptations are real, strong and inevitable:

" It would be foolish to deny that there are pleasures along the  road. There is plenty of  what people call fun. There are thrills, gratifications, (sexual gratifications), experiences (sexual experiences). emphasis mine


Many times people ask why I am still single and they tell me to go and marry as though that's an easy thing for me to do at a time when I am not even exclusively dating anyone (and hey, if I were dating, should I be the one to propose marriage?!) They would say life without your own family is something difficult and lonely. Some would even express worry about my age (yes I know I'm 39), saying it might be too late for me to bear a child. I don't feel pressured or affected by all their questioning but if they only know how such questions and remarks can often catch single women off guard or even leave them frustrated, perhaps people would be sensitive enough not to ask anyone single or give insensitive remarks about their single hood. 

Once I heard somebody sharing her own story in a speaking engagement. The woman was romantically involved with a guy who did "not have the same faith as hers".  With her faith and walk with God at stake, her friends gave her warning yet her defiant spirit would pay deaf ears to their advice that she was even inclined to marry the guy once he proposed to her.  One night she dreamed of herself, all dressed up in a beautiful wedding gown - standing before the most handsome and gorgeous guy she has even seen in her entire life, the man of her dreams. But when she looked around, nobody was around - no friends, no loved ones were present to share her joys. Suddenly sadness filled her in her dream. She woke up sobbing, and as if finally coming to her senses from long-time slumber,  she realized how she long had been hurting the people around her - the people who love her - and most especially God - because of her desire to keep a relationship that was foremost not glorifying to God. Of course there were other happenings and stories in between prior to such realizations. But that moment she was torn and caught up between wanting to get marry, to have that someone in her life over the realization and decision to give up a relationship that she thought she had ever wanted. I heard her voice cracked when she recounted breaking up with the guy despite her long desire to have a husband.  While listening, I went teary eyed as well. I know it's not crying over stories we can well relate to, but it' s understanding the journey one has to go through being a single, especially when faced with temptations to compromise or give in. 

Mrs. Elliot in her book Passion and Purity recalled this incident while dating Jim Elliot:

"In the afternoon, Jim drove me to the railroad station in Chicago...I wanted him to kick over all the traces, grab me in a rib-cracking embrace, and kiss me without taking a breath till the train started to pull away. That was one part of me wanted. Another part said no."
Temptations, specifically sexual temptations are real and strong, even stronger than we may think they are. Being in our carnal state, we desire what is carnal; we have fleshly desires. But being a true Christian calls us not to give in to temptations. Now, that's where the struggle comes in. You desire to do something (I'm pertaining to sin;the sin of sexual immorality in particular )  but since you know that God would not be glorified when you give in, you don't do it. You instead say no; you choose to walk away. Isn't that difficult and sad at the same time? You want to do it, yet you let it go. That's exactly what I mean. Unless we feel the pain of this fleshly struggle, unless our own hearts bleed to choose (to desire) the will of God than the desire of our flesh,  we will most likely find ourselves getting caught and trapped into sins and falling into the same trap over and over.

The desires still exist, are still strong, natural and human, but they are subjugated to the higher power of the Spirit ( self-control ). They are purified and corrected as we live day by day in faith and obedience (to God).

The book Passion and Purity shares a simple and very practical way to overcome the fleshly desire and struggle:

If your passions are aroused say so - to yourself and to God, not to the object of your passion. Then turn your reins over to God. Bring your will to Him. Will to obey Him, ask for his help. he will not do the obeying for you, but He will help you....


One time while scrolling through my Facebook news feeds, I saw a video shared by a friend with a caption: sometimes it's better to have sex before marriage. The video was about this couple who has just gotten married and the guy was so shocked to discover during their honeymoon  that he actually married a homosexual. The guy was portrayed in terrible disbelief and in the state of "how to turn back?"  It has its comical side. As expected, the video raved a lot of views and shares...and laughs.

In this generation where (almost) everything is permissible and acceptable, and sex becomes a salable commodity in the social media and even in real life, sugar coat and water down have become two of the major crimes that seem to go unnoticed. 

How many movies, local and international alike, have turned out to be big hits and have been talked about because of their "sex" factor? What about the local films and TV soaps and series that were fanatically been followed? I have nothing personal against these movies and soaps; what I am concerned about is how these stuff have changed and influenced minds of both young and adults in such a way to have an open acceptance and healthy view about premarital sex or sex outside marriage, or have a feel-good about having sex in relationships? Do we see the red flags?

I remember two mothers who once popped out the usual question as to when I am getting married. Along in our conversation, one of them said to me that she wants her own daughter to settle down. As expressed, this daughter who is living across the miles where people are more liberated, seems to be open about doing a one-night stand in her hopes to get pregnant (I heard that some women only want children and not husbands). It seems to me that mother idoesn't have any objections or opposition thus far about such a thing. We parted ways and I was left amazed. 

Sugarcoat is when we try to make sins as if they are beautiful and acceptable while water down is when we make sins appear to be light and we substitute the will of God for our own standards. At any rate I was reminded of this phrase, seems right? Or is actually right in the eyes of God?


I believe that as women,  we play significant roles in men's life in the context of romantic relationships. Remember the story of Adam and Eve? It was the  latter who tempted the former and not the other way around - to commit a sin - not immorality, but disobedience, by eating the forbidden fruit. What I'm trying to point out is this, we women must guard our own hearts and relationships. If we say NO and do not give consent ( to go to bed with guys)  then they can do nothing. Otherwise, the act would constitute rape or an attempt because it involves a violation of our rights and will. But if we give in, then it would be a totally different story.

Hope that as women we must remember that sad story when Eve tempted Adam and it changed the course of history of mankind dramatically and permanently. How about giving a healthy respect on that by standing our ground to keep out of bed with guys not our husbands (yet)? I believe that we've got God's approval on this matter. It's a beautiful role God has bestowed upon us, women.


Changing time and fashions, our past, families, culture, environment, among others, define and shape our thinking with regard love, sex and virginity. Although we may vary in opinion and beliefs, there are teachings and commands that are higher and more supreme than what we might feel and think. To love is to hate evil and to cling to the good (Romans 12:9) and truth. But How can one love in truth without knowing the truth in the first place? Sex as well is a sacred gift from God and it being sacred, must be restricted within the confines of Holy Matrimony, out of respect, love and reverence to the GIVER.

As for virginity, it is equated with purity; staying pure and holy for God, honoring God through our bodies because it is His temple (1 Cor. 6:19-20). Likewise, as my High School Teacher had put it during our off-topic discussion that day several years ago: it's the best gift a woman or man can give his or her partner when they first come together as married couple.  Single virgins must be called higher to keep their virginity until marriage; and must be humble before God for such state. But what about single who have already lost their virginity? Mrs. Elliot of the book Passion and Purity has these answers filled with grace arising from the glimmers of hope that came by the blood of Christ:

" Have I nothing to say, then, to those who have already been in bed? I would have to imagine that  my unmarried readers are all virgins. Those who have given away their virginity....I write to them to say that there is no purity in any of us apart from the blood of Jesus. All of us without exception are sinners...some in one way, some in another. If I can help,some to avoid sin, I want to do that. If I can show others that the message of the Gospel is the possibility of a new birth and new beginning and a new creation, I want to do that." 
Lastly I want to end this article with another excerpt from the same book:

" How shall I speak of a careless kisses to a generation nurtured on the assumption that nearly everybody goes to bed with everybody? Of those who flounder in the sea of permissiveness and self-indulgence, are there any who still search the sky for the beacon of purity? IF I DID NOT BELIEVE THERE WERE, I WOULD NOT BOTHER TO WRITE.

I'm ending this article by borrowing those statements. If I didn't believe that there are those who still search the sky for a beacon of purity, then I wouldn't have bothered to write this post.

Yes, If I didn't believe, I wouldn't have bothered to write this blog post.


(Originally posted on  August 30, 2016 in an online community in Japan)

Summer in Japan is almost over, yet it seems to me that the activities related to this season of the year in this side of the planet refuse to come to an end. My usual idea of summer is beach and sand, although I have mentioned in an earlier blogpost that they are not my thing. For a recap, I have tried 'halo-halo' which I think is the best summer cooler in town these hot days. Thankful that I got to visit some nice places, too. Just when I thought that my summer escapades officially ended along with my 2-week straight summer holiday, I have received a message from a friend inviting me to a picnic...not by the sea or a pool, but under the grape vines. 

Back home,  I heard about a town in the next region where they grow some grapes but I have never seen the place yet. Since the movie A Walk in the Clouds, a romance-drama which could have been my number one all-time favorite if not for Schindler’s List, I've always had the desire to see vineyards in my hopes to find the kind of love which the lead stars in the said film have found in a romantic setting within the surrounds of that vast cloudy and lovely vineyards.. Please forgive the musings of a hopeless romantic hereAnyway, back to the topic, I joined the picnic cum PICK-AND-EAT-GRAPES-ALL-YOU-CAN ALL-DAY activity as per invitation by a Brazilian friend whom I've met in one occasion before. With her friends and my co-trainee, we headed to one of the grape farms in Okazaki City. We were a group of nine (including a 4-year old dog named Mimi chang). I admit that at first, I was pretty much hoping to rather experience apple-picking (not season yet) than grape-picking, simply because we do not have apple trees in my country. But when I arrived at the grape farms and started to see from a distance the grapes hanging and dangling from the vines, excitement and thrill suddenly overflowed in me! The whole area, which is filled with plenty of grape clusters in paper wraps, looked so inviting to me that I felt I couldn't wait anymore  :-).  I wanted to take pictures then pick and eat grapes right away! 

Inside the paper wraps are sweet grape clusters ready for harvest. Oh, how I love this place!!!

The vast vineyards are surrounded by mountains. The farm that we visited grows a variety of grapes, both seedless and not seedless, from the small variety to the big ones; from red to purple; green to yellow (I supposed the yellow ones are over-riped green grapes but they tasted real nice and sweet, nonetheless). My first taste went to the yellow clusters freshly picked by one from our group. My first pick were the usual oblongated red grapes and to me they tasted real sweet as well. At first I didn’t have an idea that I could peek through the paper wraps to see and check the actual fruits inside before picking.  

Unlike the big grape clusters, the small grapes are not covered.  I don't know why.

These are the small grapes. The only varieties that are exposed to direct sunlight and moisture. Some clusters have started  to turn into raisins. I suppose they were the varieties to grow first; ahead of the rest.  They come in little sweet, little sour-y taste. I think these are the clusters that might have probably been overlooked for a couple of days or so because of the presence of big and seedless varieties, which taste much sweeter. The big ones are more expensive than these varieties when sold in the market. I picked one cluster or two of these kind, I think.

Honestly, I didn’t have too much grapes of different varieties all in one day as much as I had that day.  Luckily. I didn't get drunk :-)


Yes, this is actually more than grape-picking. It's actually family bonding. It is a lovely sight to see Japanese parents and their kids spending time together; eating together,  doing some barbecue under the grape vines! I was happy to see some parents helping the little children do the grape-handpicking!

We were surrounded by families who were  grilling some meat and I  was made to crave for some barbecue:-(.
By  the way, this area has been "ripped off" that you won't see grape clusters anymore

It's heartwarming to see Japanese families together 

Come on kids, let's make some pizzas! 

The big oven for pizzas!

A crib under the vines!

Kids enjoy catching fish in a creek at the vineyards. The water is clear. It's just that the sand/soil is brown giving it a muddy look. How I wish for clean rivers and creeks such as this in my own country for kids to enjoy! 

So far that's all about last weekend. I really had a wonderful time under the grape vines, in the company of good people. By watching the Japanese way of spending summer, I now have a broader concept about how to deal with this season. The best way to cope with hot weather is to make the most of it, anyway it won't linger...for long. So enjoy it while it's here. Go out and have some fun under the sun...with your loved ones. And if you would ask if I found LOVE in the vineyards like that from the movie A Walk in the Clouds, yes, I did.  And it's here with me to stay...FOR ALWAYS. ❤️❤️❤️


(Part 1 of 2) Foremost, this blog post contains my deep thoughts about sex and virginity. Honestly, I almost held back from posting something like this on my blog, but I'm happy to finally have found the courage to do so today. Throughout this article, I hope to share some insights about the topics by delving into scriptures, reminiscing some of my personal stories and fond memories that are topics related, and quoting excerpts from one of my top favorite books to illustrate various points especially concerning virginity. This post comes in two parts, Part 2 will be dedicated to the topic on virginity including the very reason why I've decided to come up with this blog entry, and why I consider this post special to me. While writing this, I'm aware that not everyone would agree with me on my views, whether in parts or in whole, but I'll continue to write anyway with the purest of my intentions to impart my thoughts and show respect to my readers, while maintaining my stance on the subject matter.

We live in this age they call millennial, an era brimming not only with high-end innovations and technology but also with modern, liberal and radical minds. From Generation X through the birth of Generation Y or the so-called millennials, so much transitions and changes have been taking place especially in regard to thinking and culture. Today's generation paints a culture different from yesteryears - a culture embracing new sets of trends, beliefs and yes, even sets of values. In this fast paced and ever changing world, how do we regard sex and virginity? Is staying virgin until marriage still important these days? Does a couple need to be united first in marriage before they can have sex? Do we really have to wait? What If one never gets married - would that mean he or she should never experience sex - ever at all? Is that so?

I grew up in an environment with 3-parent figure: both my parents and my uncle. My uncle was someone very strict and protective toward my older female cousins. He was never married and he stayed all his life with my family until his death a few days before I graduated from college. My uncle had his own set of major rules which, I may say, were subtly imposed upon my cousins. Rule No.1: do not hang out alone with guys in the street corners or anywhere especially in the dark. Rule No. 2: Do not engage in public display of affection. I would see him scolding my cousins or confronting their parents whenever he felt these rules were broken. There was a time when he caught sight of a guy’s hand resting on my female cousin’s lap. I heard my mother and my uncle seriously talking about this above whispers, and as a child I didn't exactly understand why, but I never had the courage to ask because in the first place I barely had an idea of what was going on.  All I knew that time I often played the role of a helpless and unwilling spectator whenever tensions broke out between my uncle and my cousins or their parents. In my own family, we hardly talked about 'matters of the heart' or about falling in love to be specific. We found it awkward to discuss such things in the family especially in the presence of my parents and my uncle.

If you would ask me if my cousins obeyed the rules I've mentioned above, I really didn't exactly know. But most of them have run away - with men who have become their husbands. As for me, I didn’t grow to be the prim and proper type. Yet at a young age, I developed a certain degree of boundaries when it comes to level of physical closeness and intimacy towards men.  I grew up to the idea that it is not right for unmarried lovers to hold or kiss or touch. I am not saying that this is something right, but my point is, this is my uncle's personal memories and legacies to me from childhood.  


The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable helper for him….So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep & while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. (Genesis 2:18; 21-22)

God designed man and woman as sexual beings - that is, they have longings, desires and need for sex. Apparently, God has instituted marriage so that these sexual longings, desires and needs are fulfilled and met. The first union of man and woman happened in the Book of Genesis, when God himself brought the very first male and female, Adam and Eve, into marriage.

"Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man." (Genesis 2:22)
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24)

The statement “they will become one flesh' reflects the celebration of sexuality in marriage: a gift for man and woman to unite in mind and heart. It best describes the oneness attained by the husband and the wife through physical union, during  which they are able to ultimately and fully express their fondness, affection and love toward each other while allowing them both experience and enjoy the pleasures that can be derived during the intercourse. Sex allows the married couples to connect (or reconnect), it binds them, keep them drawn toward each other. It helps them know each other more and to give themselves selflessly and completely to each other on a higher physical level - by being one flesh.

The Song of Solomon is one book in the Bible that contains allegories about love between a bridegroom and his bride. Various interpretations have been rendered on the book, such as some interpret it to be love of Christ, the groom, toward his bride, which is the church. Amidst these varying interpretations, we can see this book as one reflecting and describing love and romance among humans sprouting and blooming from courtship to marriage. Here, we see the lover and his beloved who has been brought together in the holy matrimony extolling each other, expressing their longing and desire and adoration toward each other and giving hints and glimpses of intimacies and pleasures derived from marital love.

In the New Testament, sex is defined as part of the marital duties between husband and wife. Paul gave the hint when he addressed the husband and the wife in 1 Cor. 7:3-4:  

" The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife’s body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband’s body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.”

Apart from these, sex is used as a means to reproduce or procreate. When people get married and decide to have their family - that is, dad and mom plus kid/s (this is not always true and applicable to all, because I know some people who are open to having children yet prefer not to have one, once they marry). So we basically say that if two individuals want a child/children once they settle down, sex serves a higher purpose to the husband and wife; it becomes an instrument for them to fulfill their mutual dream and plan to build a family.


If sex was designed by God as a "gift" for sexual gratification of two people bound together by Holy Matrimony, what becomes of sex before marriage and sex outside marriage? Are they considered sins?

One scripture which clearly implicates sexual immorality as sexual activities involving people not husband and wife is found in 1 Corinthians 7. Here in this letter by the apostle Paul to the Corinthians, he was exhorting the brothers and sisters at the Corinthian Church to have their own wives and husbands because immorality was so prevalent among them (1 Cor. 7:2). Sexual immorality is among the sins, and in fact comes number one in the list of sins that the Bible warns us against in Galatians 5:19-21 and Ephesian 5:5.

"But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband.”

Above scripture does not intend to show that people ought to marry just in order to satisfy their sensual and fleshly urges and desires ; it does not seek to implore that marriage is a "cure" to sins specifically sexual sins. Sins, whether sexual or not sexual in nature, run deep into man's soul and human nature that marriage cannot ever guarantee an individual or two individuals to be spared from sexual temptations and sins once they get married. Rather, the scripture ultimately shows that the legitimate way to enjoy and celebrate sexuality is within the confines of marriage. Sex between girlfriend and boyfriend or two persons not husband and wife, is definitely not sanctioned by God. When two people enjoy the (sexual) pleasures not intended for them,  they are likely committing a violation of God’s will and design of sex. I remember someone giving an illustration that we are likely committing robbery (or theft) when we take or possess something not ours. That really makes sense. Imagine taking, possessing or owning something not ours or not given to us (yet) - will not that constitute theft or robbery? In the same way, having sex with someone before or outside marriage - is like robbing or stealing a good and beautiful gift meant only for married couples; and trampling this gift with disrespect and dishonor. Interestingly we see another teaching in 1 Corinthians 6:18 that when we commit sexual immorality, we are sinning against our own body which is the temple of God. 

Unless case of prostitution, premarital sex or sex outside marital relationships  do not usually happen right there and then that you wake up naked one day and realize you've given yourself and have lost your virginity to someone. No, it does not usually work that way. Perhaps it starts with small things, a little touch, a little kiss, and felt these little things oh-so- right - then you completely give it all away.

Some suggest that the sexual sins of King David found in 2 Samuel 11 did not happen right away. Maybe he watched Bathseba bathing from a distance not only once, maybe twice, thrice, and his lust grew more and more until finally he committed adultery with her. After that, David committed sin of murder by devising a scheme to kill Uriah, Batsheba’s husband.

David wrote a letter to Joab saying “Put Uriah in the front line where the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die." (2 Samuel 11:14-15)

We refer to this as progression of sins. The New Testament illustrates this in the Book of James, in Chapter 1, verses 14-15 like this: 

"….but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin…”

Relating it to sexual sins, we may not be aware how little compromises can deceive us. A little touch, a little kiss, a little indulgence, - they do not look like a big deal after all. So why give a care about these little stuff? 

One time a friend told me that relationships are messed up sometimes. I agree with him. Not only in the context of our discussion that time; but with respect to love relationships or boyfriend-girlfriend relationships. Today, there seems to be a great confusion with regard to sex. Being in a relationship for quite a while and you're getting really along well and in love with each other yet you do not have sex. That sounds impossible. In this age, how could that possibly be? Who would believe such a thing? Today, it's  easier for people to believe you're in a relationship and you are having sex than you're in a relationship yet you (choose to) stay out of bed. In such case, what would have become of virginity? (With Part 2)


(Note: Originally posted on on August 27, 2016 in Japan)

Yes, this is the best cooler this summer. But mind you, I may be a little biased about this, but as you read on, you will see why I think this way. And may I add, this is not an ordinary shaved ice. This is a bowl of concoction that can surely cool you down and give you that truly refreshing feeling now that the weather is hot. 

This is Halo-Halo, a popular dessert / refreshment snack that has been around for so many years in the Philippines and is now available in some Filipino restaurants in many different countries like Japan. Halo-halo has been a popular cooler in the Philippines since time I remember, usually during summer, but it has evolved into a well-loved dessert or oftentimes a refreshment snack available to all Filipinos from all walks of life almost all-year round from the small cafeteria or eateries in the street corners to high-end restaurants and dining shops in various places across the country. Halo-halo (pronounced as hah-lo’ hah-lo’) which literally means “mixed”, is a bowl or a tall glass of shaved ice that comes with portions of yummy native ingredients. Fruits and sweet treats tossed in one glass or bowl, with shaved ice, topped with ice cream, a scoop or two, and with lavish sprinkle of evaporated milk…Imagine all that, Uhm, what can you say? 

         Well, what do you think about this bowl?

Halo-halo evokes fond childhood memories, when I, along with other children in the neighborhood, would run across the unpaved road in our village, scratching my head under the sweltering heat of summer sun, towards the small space along the street, where a wooden bench and a small table were set up, to buy a glass of halo halo from an auntie. You would know that someone was selling halo-halo in the street corner because the ingredients, usually in clear canisters, were neatly and carefully arranged on the table. Back then (oh until now) we call everyone older than us auntie or ate (atche in my own dialect) even though we are not related to each other by blood. There, with all the child`s wonder, innocence and excitement, I would order a glass of halo-halo and eagerly watch the auntie put the ingredients onto my glass one by one, first the sweetened saba (a local variant of banana),  then the sweet potato and so on and so forth including the well-loved ingredient when I was a kid, the sakobi (small rounded chunky - munchy gel usually in red color). That time, I think it would be kind of special when you would have other ingredients like purple yam and the pinipig (pounded immature rice grains). After putting all the ingredients, she would manually shave ice from an ice block with all her might, place the shaved ice onto the same glass, on top of the ingredients and then pour on some coconut water and then the most important ingredient: evaporated milk. I think those were the times then when I often secretly wished that the auntie would pour an extra amount of milk onto my glass. ehe. I would then pay the auntie seven pesos (P7.00) for my glass of halo-halo (that is, if my perforated memory serves me right about the price). Seven pesos is approximately 15¥. My childhood memory is like that, enjoying this summer delight at an affordable amount!

    This is me holding my bowl of halo-halo. Can you get a glimpse of that smile on my lips?

Perhaps my fondness for halo-halo is intertwined  with sweet memories when I was a child that it has grown to be one of my faves. This is why I think I maintain some prejudice when it comes to summer coolers wherever I go. I have tasted shaved ice here in Japan and other summer concoctions but nothing comes close to the taste of halo-halo, in my own opinion. In Singapore, there is this called bo-bo chacha, a shaved ice dessert that is closely similar to halo halo except of course for some local ingredients and the main ingredient used. Halo-halo's main ingredient is evaporated milk; while Singapore's bo-bo chacha uses fresh coconut milk extract, giving the cooler a more distinct creamy and yummy taste than halo-halo. Likewise, Malacca's ice cendol tastes really nice, and it is a very famous ice cooler in the said part of Malaysia, but because halo-halo is close to my heart, I would say that I love halo-halo more than Bo-Bo chacha and ice cendol. Now you see, I am very biased.

When I heard that a Filipino Restaurant near my place here in Japan is serving this Filipino specialty, I was so delighted! Along with my colleagues, two Japanese and one Brazilian, I went to the restaurant where we feasted on some Filipino dishes called caldereta and sinigang. Then we ordered halo-halo for our dessert! We have assumed that each of us could not finish one bowl, because it looks big on the photo. So what we did was we ordered only 2 bowls for sharing - and yes we had enough, and actually, even more than enough! One bowl is big for someone who eats moderately (surprisingly, I am a moderate eater...oops, am I? ehe). A bowl of halo-halo served at that restaurant where we dined can be shared by 2 to 3 people :-)  This time I have affirmation for my personal taste because my colleagues liked the halo-halo, too! It's oishi katta desu!

Halo-halo is served in many different ways in the Philippines with prices ranging from P20.00 (approximately 50¥) to --- well, I could not actually tell the price for an order of halo-halo at an upscale restaurant. The most expensive halo-halo I have tried so far in a good restaurant cost around P200.00 more or less, but then again, I don't rely much on my 'photographic' memory for the price accuracy.  But one thing is for sure: the higher the price, the more ingredients that a bowl or a glass of halo-halo contains; and the more ingredients and the more special the ingredients become, the higher the price of an order of halo-halo becomes. Oh just now I remember having halo-halo (create your own) over some buffets in some nice hotels. But I could not exactly remember the details, please forgive me for my poor memory :-(

Usually, a regular glass or a bowl of halo-halo contains the following ingredients:
* sweet beans
*coconut gel
*palm nut
*boiled sweet potato 
*boiled saba (a local variant of banana; not the usual banana that we know)
*young coconut shreds/meat (but if you want it more special, you can use macapuno, a a special coconut variant)
*sakobi (this is how we call it in Tagalog) but I think most people now don't use it for halo-halo anymore, so I say this one is optional
To make the halo-halo special, you can add these ingredients. Take note that the following are optional YET CAN MAKE THE HALO-HALO REALLY SPECIAL AND MORE DELICIOUS: 
*pinipig (pounded immature rice grains)
*ube or the purple yam
*leche flan (a delicious sweet dessert in the Philippines which is like a caramel pudding)
*ice cream (preferably ube flavor or vanilla)
*fruits, usually jackfruit, fresh or sweetened (not all people like the taste of jackfruit so I say this one is optional)

And don't forget the shaved ice and the evaporated milk. These are the two main ingredients :-)

So what are you waiting for? Go to the nearest Filipino restaurant in your area and ask if they serve halo-halo or you can make your own. Toss the ingredients and enjoy :-)

SUMMER IN JAPAN: The Hamamatsu Flower Garden and the Hamanako Park

It was in autumn last year when I made my first visit to Japan. I came as a first time solo backpacker in the suburbs of Kansai Region, exploring the quaint and charming streets  of Nara, Kyoto, Osaka, Himeji and Okayama. Being a first time tourist here, I got lost several times, figuratively and literally speaking. It was a week's travel, I think long enough for a first time solo traveler, but I felt the days have passed by so quickly that I said to myself "I want to come back, hopefully in springtime when the Sakura trees are in full bloom." 

My second visit came fast and unexpected though. This time I am here not as a tourist but as a trainee and definitely not on a springtime as I had always hoped for. Rather, it is in summer when the searing hot sun is likely to burn my brown skin. Well, I must confess I really do not like summer (that much) or if I were to choose among all seasons, summer will come as my least choice. Perhaps, I feel I have enough of hot weather in my country or maybe because beaches and sands on hot days are not just my thing. Either way, I'm not sure. All I am certain is that summer doesn't sound so appealing to me. Like a child, I have always fancied springtime, winter and autumn - the ones I never get to enjoy in my beloved tropical country. But right now I am here in Japan this summer. As my host representative warned me before my arrival here: summer in Japan is really hot. And I am saying now: yes, indeed.

The first time I and my co-trainee met with our host representatives in Tokyo in May, they told us that they were giving us straight two weeks  summer vacation this August. Hooray, isn't it? So we (my co-trainee and I) roughly planned some itineraries and Mt. Fuji came first in the list. Alas, our yassumi is about to end in a few days and not a hint or sight of Mt. Fuji is seen. Good thing however is that even before our official summer break, we started our summer getaways earlier on, during weekends. As of this time, thankful to have visited a couple of nice places, mostly in and around my prefecture, Aichi-ken.  There's a lot of them, but here on this blogpost I'd like to give particular highlight to two places I had liked the most -so far - this summer: the two beautiful parks in a nearby prefecture, the home to Mt. Fuji: Shizuoka-ken. I guess this summer, this is the closest we can get to Mt. Fuji ๐Ÿ˜

1. Hamamatsu Flower Garden
This is a European-inspired garden, about 30,000 square meters in size and a home to a hundred thousand plants and flowers like lavenders, lotus and roses and many other varieties, depending on the season. Here, you can go around the park by train ride for only a hundred yen! I was impressed by the greenery and the beautiful landscape. The wide lawn and the beautifully trimmed plants and trees made me remember a childhood favorite movie Edward Scissorhands! Maybe Edward is outthere as the head gardener ๐Ÿ˜! 

Just a portion of the park's beautiful landscape!

I read that there is a musical fountain show in the park which starts at 5pm but haven't seen it for we have left the place early. 

The area where they hold the musical fountain show

Train ride for only a hundred yen!!!

One of the best things about the park is the free entrance. Not only that, they also provide free use of umbrella, baby cars and wheelchairs for those who will need. I give my thumbs up to this park.

2. Hamanako Garden Park 

If you visit the Hamamatsu Flower Garden of course you wouldn't surely want to miss the chance to go to another park nearby,  just a few minutes ride by car. 

The Hamanako Garden Park is another beauty in Shizuoka Prefecture. It is a really nice garden ideal for walking around, biking, family fun and picnic without shelling out money for entrance fees! 

At the entrance of the park where kids enjoy the water under the hot sun!

The Hamanako Park just like the Hamamatsu Flower Park is a home to many flowers and plants. Here you can enjoy many adventures like the view from the tower deck (for a certain amount, however), garden cruise (If I remember it right 600yen?), biking and a lot more. Lots of flowers are grown in the park depending on the season. And since its the season of sun, we got to see the sunflower field which by the way I sooo liked! It reminded me of the wild sun flowers in an open space next to my apartment during my college days. 

My co-trainee and I at the sunflower field. Lovely isn't it? I mean the sunflowers ๐Ÿ˜

The sunflower field at a distance.I think most of the sunflowers start to wither when we came but they are beautiful even so. 

I am seeing a number of online posts by friends here in Japan and I was like kind of overwhelmed to realize that there are indeed lots of places worth a visit this summer - many of them I have not gone to - yet - ranging from mountains, rivers, waterfalls, and many others! I hope I can visit them even when summer ends. Our summer break is nearly coming to an end and in a few days, we are going back to our usual work and training (me at the city hall and my co-trainee in school). And I must say that so far I'm thankful for the opportunity to enjoy summer in Japan and I hope to make the best of the remaining days of summer until it gives way to another season. Cheers!

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