Baguio City Revisited (Part I)

I guess there is nothing sweeter than to go back to a place that brings back countless sweet memories. 

Like in my past travels, I feasted and delighted myself with sights of mountain ranges along the stretch of Kennon Road. I spotted two or three small water falls on the mountains, unfortunately though, I never got a chance to take some photos.

I was feeling dizzy journeying the zigzag road, while my mind was filled with occasional thoughts and wonders at the sight of several houses down the landslide-prone hills and mountains. 

Imagine spending an hour or so traveling on a zigzag road

See the house structures built on the mountain slopes? Got many of these types here. 

After more than four-hour travel, we reached our hotel at Abanao Street Extension. Upon alighting from our service van, we were greeted by the cool wind that magically brought in me the usual sense of excitement and thankfulness everytime I get to visit this place. Yay! 

After checking-in, we went to one of the popular malls in the vicinity and here we enjoyed a sumptuous dinner at a restaurant situated at the mall's veranda. It was cold and we were chilling, but my two colleagues, who forgot their sweaters  at the hotel, still managed to strike a smile at the camera. Their faces show no traces of 'chilling to the bones'   lol!

Do they look like feeling cold? Definitely naah!

Sai, Ion and I

view from the mall veranda

Mall Terrace

Though I felt exhausted and tired the first day, I TRIED (with emphasis on the word TRIED) to wake up early the next morning for a prayer walk. It was still dark when I went out. When the morning sun gave a full view of the beautiful variety of flowers in the park, I regretted not bringing my camera so the next day I  made sure to bring it for some shooting. Here are photos of sunflowers taken under the drizzle (yeah, it was drizzling so I was covering my camera with a piece of cloth) while taking these shots:

I was very careful taking this shot so as to protect my cam from the drizzle

Oh how I love yellow!

The drizzle prevented me from taking photos of other flowers in the park. But I've managed to find an opportunity, and I was very happy :-)

So here are the roses:

After this, I went back to the hotel to take some rest.

These 'rose shots' were the last I've taken for that day.

Coming after this is a part two of this account. Cheers!

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