The Magic of the Magic Fruit

Here is a good news for those who like sweet-tasting foods. If you want any (please take note of "any") sour fruit to instantly turn into such a delightful sweet , then here is something for you : the Magic Fruit.


Jen had me try this one night before the midweek service. My first time to hear of such fruit, so I was hesitant when she asked me to get and try this pinkish red berry. But then I got curious of the name, so I, along with some friends, obeyed her wish.


The fruit tasted so bland to me (I tasted some sweetness though). Was I expecting something extraordinary because of its name? Well, maybe. Then I heard Jen that the fruit was featured in one of the magazine shows on TV. Why, I asked at the back of my mind. Still clueless on the magic that the magic fruit does, I watched Jen sliced a fresh lemon. She extracted some juice for us on four separate glasses. When I tasted the juice, that's the time I understood why the fruit is called magic fruit! 


Truly the fruit did a 'miracle' that it was able to make the sour-tasting fruit such as lemon to taste sooo sweet. It's as if you have added sugar on the juice, or even honey that it tasted really good! 



By the way, here is an interesting fact I read about this fruit:

The magic fruit (or also known as miracle fruit or Miracle Berry) is a plant that  has a mildly sweet flavor; however, the fruit is treasured not for its own taste, but for the fruit’s unique effect on the taste buds. Magic Fruit contains a glycoprotein called miraculin, which binds to the tongue’s taste buds when the fruit is consumed. Miraculin acts as a sweetness inducer when it comes in contact with acids, causing bitter and sour foods to taste sweet, temporarily. This effect usually lasts between 30 minutes and 2 hours.  (Source:

Magic fruit is a rare fruit. It is not sold in the market. With the magic that it does, I can say you are lucky enough if you happen to see some of these or grow this plant in your place. As for me, I'm thinking of pairing it up with a real sour fruit like rattan! 

Hope to pair you up with a magic fruit. May katapat na ang kaasiman mo, huh!

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Down This Road Again

Again, I saw this Acacia which tells me I'm almost there. I let a sigh of relief come out and I hope that I could make it before nine. I could have been more relaxed had I made it earlier this morning. Now here I am,  catching up with time.

This Acacia Tree became to me a personal sign that I'm about to reach the place

I've got a few more minutes before reaching the bus terminal, so I tried to close my eyes for some nap. I imagined the road and the travel I have to make at least twice a week, on Sundays and Wednesdays. Some  people who know of my schedule sometimes ask me if doing this travel 'alone' again and again has never been wearisome... Well, the answer is obvious, without denying, this makes me tired, more often than not. Traversing this route is not as pleasant as it may seem to be. 

A lot of my travels have not been convenient especially during holidays when I had to huddle with the crowd to get a bus at a jam-packed terminal and was forced to stand during the entire travel. In one instance, I was left with no choice but to endure the pain while standing in the bus for more than an hour or so with a swollen ankle :-( If I had not done that, I would have not probably made it back home  because of the long queue and the continuous influx of passengers that day. As for convenience, who would want to travel via public transport at the heights of heavy downpour? I've come to experience many of them through the years.

One morning, I got to pass by an area hit by typhoon. I saw many uprooted trees. It's not my first time to see such a thing, but my heart melted within me as I remember the power of the One who is in control of all these. 

I have my personal favorite among buses plying my route. This is not the one I got to ride on this morning.

Movies on board are a bonus especially on travels particularly during hot summer days. 

I fall asleep in most of my travels, especially during nighttime. At times however when I'm wide awake, I look out the bus window and see the vast expanse of the bright morning sky, and how it resplendently mellows down to yellow or sometimes red or orange every time the sun begins to hide behind the mountains. Nature always fascinate me while journeying my usual route. But there are moments when the same seems to me just a plain view. Oh I can tell, those are the times I am not okay.

This is a usual view from my weekly travel.
The fields are greener during rainy season.

**** When we reached the terminal, I hurried off the bus to take some further route to my destination. 

True, I may a lot of times get tired of this travel, physically speaking. But at the back of my mind, I was high with hopes. I'm here for a REASON. And that's what keeps me going. After all, it may appear as if I'm wasting away, but inwardly, I'm being renewed. And that's all that matters now.

Thank you God for bringing me here safe and sound.

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Oh, What A Happy Day!

T'was a day loaded with events and good happenings. 

Bernie, a brother who hails from Iloilo and is currently having training at a military camp in a nearby place, was given a moment to speak to us after the service. Soon he will be leaving for a new assignment in Mindanao so he wanted to address the church here prior to his departure. Alright, I thought to myself, but I had the feeling and a hint that he was onto something, yet of course I tried to keep that to myself. I looked around, and based on what I saw, everybody was seemed excited and eagerly anticipating what I have been anticipating. 

Soon after what we joked as an 8-page speech from him finally came what I was thinking all the while: He asked Sha-Sha to become his girlfriend! Gee! Love is in the air! Pagkahaba haba man ng pagsasalita, sa pag-a ask din ang tuloy! I could hear people (including myself) reacting and cheering in unison especially when SHA uttered her YES response to Bernie’s question! Sweeet! Everybody began to cheer…Wooot wooot!  

Bernie asked Sha "Can you be my girlfriend?"

Sha said YES.

We cheered. 

We celebrated with the new(est) dating couple in the church


*** Lunch was another thing that day. I had a sumptuous lunch with my best friend. Shredded adobo and sisig from Gerry's Grill - my best friend's fave :-). We still have time for further chit-chat before a despedida set that night, so we moved on for some coffee and drinks at a coffee shop where I had my strawberries and cream (my new favorite, plus a doughnut :-)

Thanks much best friend for a refreshing treat! Luveeet!

Finished the shredded adobo.

My best friend's favorite sisig

And my new favorite STRAWBERRIES & CREAM :-) plus, plus a doughnut

Come evening time was a DESPEDIDA Party for Russel who's leaving for Auckland for good. Bon Voyage Rus! Wag mo kaming kakalimutan pagdating doon ha?

Btw, about my shoe size? Ah,,, I will let you know, lol!

Me, doing the peace sign...

God bless on your flight Rus! Be safe :-)

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