
As I lay under the moon ray so soft 

My eyes begin to see the dark that unfolds 

Suddenly thoughts through my minds have crossed 

And I begin to ponder about things I hold.

I close my eyes gently, in my dreams I see 

Someone takes me where I want to be 

My heart leaps for joy for this awesome beauty

But suddenly it fades, as I see the real me.

Through the glimmering lights

Moving shadows in the night

I see myself walking the road

Trailing the lonely paths.

 I began to see the journeys, one by one

Slowly I peeked through the mirror of time

And my heart was overwhelmed with what I've found  

In trying times, mostly I fall, I stumble

I am quick to grumble, quick to question 

When things rob my joy 

Where are you, I ask, I cannot find you at all.

 Sometimes I wish out of lonely spirit 

There are rainbows out there, up the mountain peaks 

Yet instead of rainbows I see some storms 

And I began to fret

What lies ahead?


The wind blows where it pleases, as one quote says 

To where, I do not know 

It's only You who know.

Afraid as I am, 

To cross the paths before me. 

Do you watch and care 

For this tiny speck 

on her little journey?

There are times the endless waiting
Is bringing me down
And bleeding, this heart asks
Where can I find?

I ask many things
At times i do
And I look past you
Beyond the skies so blue

I tread the paths alone
To where the plans lead me
Is yet unknown
O God take me now, carry me in your arms
In you I want to be found

Suddenly a gentle wind woke me up from my sleep
And I slowly gathered up myself,

I began to walk and my heart started to pound
Oh God I felt the tears swelling up in my eyes.

Now the reason is clear
I cannot see the beauty
Because my views block me.

Through the times I love you,

Through times when it seems I do not 
Through my trusting moments 
Through the times I doubt 
Through all these I saw your love
O, God thank you, You have failed me not.

How can I ever thank you, for the love you gave

In my frail moments, truly it sustains

Now I have nothing to say 

I’m left with no words

But a THANK YOU to utter.

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