College :-)

Schools officially opened early this month. I do not know about you, but when I was a little girl, such a thing had never been pleasant to me as school days meant my late afternoon sleep and my laid back days were over. It also meant that my sleeping hours had to be cut short. School opening, to me, had never been a welcome idea back then. Though most of my childhood memories of school are loaded with fun and enjoyment, I could say that waking up early in the morning was one difficult task that I endured during my days as a child whose idea of happiness purely focused on fun and play, eating, watching Popeye and Olive on TV, and lingering on my bed especially during mornings. When I graduated from elementary and grew past of childhood games and play, I admit my idea of school had changed, though I can say that one thing remains true until today: that my love for sleep has not dwindled a bit, in fact, it grew much even more now that I no longer attend school.

A couple of weeks ago, I accompanied Tefen, our youngest, enrolled in the same university where I graduated. She is now a freshman! How time really flies so fast! I remember her to be the little child I used to accompany in a primary school adjacent to my workplace. She was small and thin, and many a time we had difficulty waking her up in the morning. But those were the days. Now she looks different. Everybody in the office who used to see her as a child seems to get surprised to know how she has grown up.

She enrolled Hotel and Restaurant Management only to change her mind. As a result, I had to get back to the university to file for  change of course on her behalf. I had to go and travel up north one Saturday. I mean, I squeezed it on my schedule to do such a thing for her. That's the perks of being bunso in the family. They are likely to get pampering and favors. Sometimes ates would willingly do some little sacrifices and favors on their behalf over things which by nature are within their responsibility and call of duty to perform themselves. I am not saying that helping my sister or not allowing her do the filing herself is right, what I am saying is, I did. And I am happy I did such a favor for her. It is my way of giving back. Under many circumstances, I, too, have been like her, a beloved bunso who got to enjoy a lot of perks from my family.

I remember when I was a freshman, both my parents accompanied me in Baguio. I was the first in the family to be away, and the parting time was then new and heartbreaking. The pain was real as it all seemed to be the first time I thought of living on my own. I was young, and that time my idea of independence did not involve being away from my family. But my choice of college required me to live away from them. I was staring through the window, from my view I could see the heaviness of heart of both my parents as they walked away from my first boarding house. While watching them leave, I was brought to tears. I cried heavily that day. I saw that mother wanted to stay back for me. I knew it. I could tell. I learned later on that she was crying all over when they reached terminal and boarded the bus back home. She never wanted to leave me behind. She was worried big time if I could make it alone in the city. Little did mother know that I would survive and eventually learn so much from my independence in college. There was no cellphone and other communication gadget that time. It was later in college when beepers came into being. One time the telephone unit in my boarding house broke down and several days later I received a telegram (mail by post with limited wordings) from my parents informing me mother was worried because they could not contact me through long distance call.

I was nostalgic when I arrived to the university, my Alma Mater. My first visit after fifteen years. Almost every corner of the university looked familiar to me. Coming here alone feels different, though. I noted some changes in the campus: painting of the buildings, physical improvements and extensions, interior arrangement/set-up at the library. Now as I look back I can't help but be grateful about my college life. How this campus has helped shape me into the person I am today. College memories are a bitter-sweet and one-of-a-kind roller-coaster ride. The entire learning process and the family separation were mostly difficult and painful and yet rewarding.

I went to the Student Affairs Office first and from there I was guided on the filing process which I successfully completed after lunch. Since I had plenty of time, I toured the campus. Here are some of the photos while having a walk inside the campus which highlight two of my fave spots:


I have spent most of my classes at the Waldo Perfecto Building which housed the then College of Human Sciences (now School of Human Sciences).  But I did not find my spots there. Instead, I found my sanctuary in these two places inside the campus.

* Library. 6th Floor, Mezzanine.

There is an elevator in the library building (I was told) but the same has not been functional since the time I entered the school until I graduated. To get to the Reference Section of the Library, you have to endure the muscle pains of walking all the way up via two options, one, the stairs near Rizal Building that lead to the 4th floor of the library, and two, the stairs at the Burgos Center which connect to the 2nd floor of the Library .  In most cases I took the stairs at the Rizal Building. 

I love the silence and the overlooking view at the Reference Section, Mezzanine.

The Library Building. Up there was my favorite spot!

The stairwell that leads to the 6/F, Reference Section

The stairs beside Dr. Jose P. Rizal Building that connect to the 4th Floor Lobby of the Library Building

* University Pond. 

The pond was a second favorite. This is where I first attended a Bible Talk inside the campus.

This used to be my fave tambayan inside the campusI think they have cut down some of the weeping willows here. If my memory serves me right, it used to be surrounded and covered by willows, making it a more shady spot than it looks today.  


This is my new find in the campus, which I think would have been a favorite if only it existed during my college days: THE MINI PARK at an elevated area beside the Library Building, just above the giant steps!

Overlooking view from the mini-park


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Memories of Mc Donalds Session Road

Last night, through the dim light from the veranda, I could see that the rose plants in the front yard have blossomed. I counted the light pink flowers this morning, and there are seven of them plus several buds. They have never blossomed as much as that before. What a delight, especially when I caught sight of the yellow bell which has also blossomed for the first time in almost years, I guess.

Also, I heard from the news last night that Mc Donald's Session Road (Baguio City) is closing in six days, after twenty three (23) years of operation. According to the news, its contract for the use of the building has expired (the contract is not renewable?). The management has sponsored an eat-all-you can as a gesture of goodwill and part of its farewell offering to its customers. The news anchor interviewed people who shared happy memories about Mc Do Session. Now I'm thinking to share some of my memories about the place, too.

Unlike the bigger, more spacious and better Mc Do branches that we have today, there is no much to talk about Mc Do Session in terms of the structure and design. It is just one of the many fast food chains lined up at the heart of Baguio City. But there is something that makes it special.. Memories! That's actually what separates it from the rest and makes Mc Do Session a stand out among the rest, at least to me. 

Looking back, Mc Do Session seemed to have grown as a college favorite where I and my dabarkads usually hanged out after prayer time in a nearby park in many of the foggy and cold mornings in Baguio. It became a special  place for pancakes which I so loved back then (and until now). I can't exactly remember a time ordering other breakfast meals aside from pancakes, but for sure in some instances, I did. Yet what is clear to me right now is that Mc Do pancakes-with-that-unlimited-maple-syrup seemed to be the best at that time, aside from the hot cinnamon bread that we would usually buy from a nearby bakery and would enjoy as we hurried off to school for our first morning class.

Mc Do Session had been a usual venue for "D-times", "spend times" and "b-studies" with good friends. There we would set-up people for Bible studies and talks. There we would meet-up to talk over many things which I all vaguely remember now. The front area of McDo Session became our "assembly point" and "meeting place" as well. 

Photo from web. 

We would usually hang out at the second floor.

Thank you Mc Do Session for the memories:-)

Oh, Mc Do Session, you have served us very well back then. I love my memories with you. It seems to me you have lived up to your slogan Love Ko 'To. Thank you. Thank you.

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Loose Thoughts

I do not have anything particular in mind to blog about right now. As of this moment, I do not know where this one leads to, but I will keep writing anyway. There are some ideas though, but I don't think I will be able to write all of them right here right now. But even if I will not be able to do so, I hope that this post will still make sense in the end. haha

So what has kept me from blogging lately? Nothing. Nothing but work. Paper works which I wish I could finish up and take all in one day. Fun. Self-retreat. Worries (yeah!). Struggles (another yeah!). Errands. Household chores. Those had taken so much of my time. No, I have not been busy lately. I am not. But...Oh, well, I would like to believe that I am and that I have been.. You know what I mean? I wish I have (more) time for blogging.

Random thoughts are now inside my head. I am sitting at the veranda. Facing the road. It is almost 8:00 in the evening and I could not see anything outside through the dark. My cousin, Kong Neng, just came. Mother offered him a cup of coffee. At this moment he is sitting across my seat, facing Tatang (father) who is sitting next to mother. I'm busy with this laptop. But I managed to strike a few exchange of words with Kong Neng in between blogging, before I finally drifted from the conversation. Right now, I can hear them (tatang, inang & Kong Neng) as they talk about a variety of things.  

It didn't rain last night, unlike the past days when we had rains for four to five nights in a row (or for a straight week? I can't remember). Will it possibly rain later tonight? Er, I do not know. But I hope. It seems we are having an overcast weather, though. The moon and the stars are not yet showing up. I wish it will rain (a bit) .  

Kong Neng has gone off. Tang and Nang went inside the house. Again I am alone here at my small space in our terrace. I am skype-ing with my sister Evelyn and my niece Frian. Frenjer, my other niece, is not around. He is still in school, Evelyn told me. 

We ate a lot of turon (deep fried banana roll with langka) in the office kanina. There was a plenary meeting for the SGLG (Seal of Good Local Governance) Award. I heard from the members of the validating team that among all units visited so far, we (I mean the City) is the most compliant. Wow. Great to hear that. But we'll keep our fingers crossed...way to go...

Anyway, I brought home some leftover turons. Oh, I feel I still want some. So I have to say bye-bye to give in to my craving. 

Good night!

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