Loose Thoughts

I do not have anything particular in mind to blog about right now. As of this moment, I do not know where this one leads to, but I will keep writing anyway. There are some ideas though, but I don't think I will be able to write all of them right here right now. But even if I will not be able to do so, I hope that this post will still make sense in the end. haha

So what has kept me from blogging lately? Nothing. Nothing but work. Paper works which I wish I could finish up and take all in one day. Fun. Self-retreat. Worries (yeah!). Struggles (another yeah!). Errands. Household chores. Those had taken so much of my time. No, I have not been busy lately. I am not. But...Oh, well, I would like to believe that I am and that I have been.. You know what I mean? I wish I have (more) time for blogging.

Random thoughts are now inside my head. I am sitting at the veranda. Facing the road. It is almost 8:00 in the evening and I could not see anything outside through the dark. My cousin, Kong Neng, just came. Mother offered him a cup of coffee. At this moment he is sitting across my seat, facing Tatang (father) who is sitting next to mother. I'm busy with this laptop. But I managed to strike a few exchange of words with Kong Neng in between blogging, before I finally drifted from the conversation. Right now, I can hear them (tatang, inang & Kong Neng) as they talk about a variety of things.  

It didn't rain last night, unlike the past days when we had rains for four to five nights in a row (or for a straight week? I can't remember). Will it possibly rain later tonight? Er, I do not know. But I hope. It seems we are having an overcast weather, though. The moon and the stars are not yet showing up. I wish it will rain (a bit) .  

Kong Neng has gone off. Tang and Nang went inside the house. Again I am alone here at my small space in our terrace. I am skype-ing with my sister Evelyn and my niece Frian. Frenjer, my other niece, is not around. He is still in school, Evelyn told me. 

We ate a lot of turon (deep fried banana roll with langka) in the office kanina. There was a plenary meeting for the SGLG (Seal of Good Local Governance) Award. I heard from the members of the validating team that among all units visited so far, we (I mean the City) is the most compliant. Wow. Great to hear that. But we'll keep our fingers crossed...way to go...

Anyway, I brought home some leftover turons. Oh, I feel I still want some. So I have to say bye-bye to give in to my craving. 

Good night!

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