Memories of Mc Donalds Session Road

Last night, through the dim light from the veranda, I could see that the rose plants in the front yard have blossomed. I counted the light pink flowers this morning, and there are seven of them plus several buds. They have never blossomed as much as that before. What a delight, especially when I caught sight of the yellow bell which has also blossomed for the first time in almost years, I guess.

Also, I heard from the news last night that Mc Donald's Session Road (Baguio City) is closing in six days, after twenty three (23) years of operation. According to the news, its contract for the use of the building has expired (the contract is not renewable?). The management has sponsored an eat-all-you can as a gesture of goodwill and part of its farewell offering to its customers. The news anchor interviewed people who shared happy memories about Mc Do Session. Now I'm thinking to share some of my memories about the place, too.

Unlike the bigger, more spacious and better Mc Do branches that we have today, there is no much to talk about Mc Do Session in terms of the structure and design. It is just one of the many fast food chains lined up at the heart of Baguio City. But there is something that makes it special.. Memories! That's actually what separates it from the rest and makes Mc Do Session a stand out among the rest, at least to me. 

Looking back, Mc Do Session seemed to have grown as a college favorite where I and my dabarkads usually hanged out after prayer time in a nearby park in many of the foggy and cold mornings in Baguio. It became a special  place for pancakes which I so loved back then (and until now). I can't exactly remember a time ordering other breakfast meals aside from pancakes, but for sure in some instances, I did. Yet what is clear to me right now is that Mc Do pancakes-with-that-unlimited-maple-syrup seemed to be the best at that time, aside from the hot cinnamon bread that we would usually buy from a nearby bakery and would enjoy as we hurried off to school for our first morning class.

Mc Do Session had been a usual venue for "D-times", "spend times" and "b-studies" with good friends. There we would set-up people for Bible studies and talks. There we would meet-up to talk over many things which I all vaguely remember now. The front area of McDo Session became our "assembly point" and "meeting place" as well. 

Photo from web. 

We would usually hang out at the second floor.

Thank you Mc Do Session for the memories:-)

Oh, Mc Do Session, you have served us very well back then. I love my memories with you. It seems to me you have lived up to your slogan Love Ko 'To. Thank you. Thank you.

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