Her Love Letter

Her name is Renser Juesa, the only niece (so far) among a bunch of our nephews. Renser Juesa or Ue Ue as we fondly call her, turned 9 last week. One time last year (or early this year? ) while cleaning up the house, I stumbled upon a piece of paper which, when was about to throw in the garbage bin, I discovered contained a writing by her.

Her letter went like this:

(Jesus it's okay even if you did not grant my wish,  just don't take my parents from me because I love them so much. And I am praying they will live long. Thank you, Jesus)

It was not a perfect letter, there are words wrongly spelled, but I was moved while reading it. I asked UeUe  of the date when she wrote the letter, but she was reluctant to answer. She appeared surprised and embarrassed to know that I saw her writing. It gave me the impression that her letter is not meant for showing to anyone, it was a thing she intended to keep only between herself and the one to whom she has written. I didn't come to know exactly the "wish" that she mentioned in this letter, but I was particularly grateful about the fact that at a young age, she has the heart to think about others above her own interests. I admire her  attitude not to whine over 'wishes not granted' and accept that not all things she wants, she gets.

We (her aunties) did not teach her to write letters, especially to Jesus, and I am very glad that she starts to write such letters at her own initiative. I myself write letters and prayers to God, but I never told her that. There were times she would see us reading the Bible, or she would come to me and see me jotting down some notes, but I never told her anything about those notes or what they are for, or whether they are letters to God or what. So seeing her putting her prayers into writing at her own volition means something to me. When I have found out about that, I have given her a notebook and encouraged her to write more. As of this writing, I have not checked if she did,  though. But whether she keeps writing or not, I wish and I really hope UeUe will grow up to be loving and God-fearing. 

She is such a joy to us

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