"Wish I could grab time by tail and say whoooaaa!", a friend once wrote to me. As I look out the window and indulge myself with a premium twist donut and coffee under this overcast weather, I realize that I have been wishing the same wish a few weeks ago. I have planned many things (like blogging) but until now never get to accomplish. Last week I checked on my gadget and browsed through several photos which I planned to blog beforehand but have almost forgotten. 

As I ponder on this, I see that time has slipped away so fassttt! Today is August 4. And this month of August, in four weeks' time, will give birth to "BER" months and sooner than we think, 2014 is over. I may appear like being exaggerated in my time calculations, but that's exactly it is. Time flies too fast. In a brief moment 2014 will soon close its door for another year. 

Jeanne (my travel buddy) and I talked about the same matter in passing while traveling to Angeles City yesterday. It seems it was only yesterday when we reached the month of July and now it's August. Time, indeed, is a precious commodity that seems to come only in passing. It is here now, tomorrow it's gone. It does not linger. It does not wait. It easily slips away. In my readings one night, I came across this beautiful poem about TIME:

I went out, Lord.

People were coming and going

Walking and running.

Everything was rushing

Cars, trucks, the street, the whole town

People were rushing not to waste time

They were rushing after time,

To catch up with time.

To gain time. 

And so all people run after time, Lord. 

They pass through life running

Hurried, jostled, overburdened, frantic. 

They never get there.

 They have no time. 

Inspite of all their efforts

They're still short of time. 

Of a great deal of time. 

Lord, you must have made a mistake in your calculations. 

There is a big mistake somewhere. 

The hours are too short. 

Our lives are too short.

You give each one time to do what you want him to do.

But we must not lose time, waste time, kill time

For it is a gift that you give us


A gift that DOES NOT KEEP

I read through the poem I think twice or thrice, giving extra attention to the last two verses of the 4th paragraph which says that TIME is a gift. Such a wonderful gift yet perishable in nature. It is something that one cannot keep. 

When I woke up this morning, I hurried off, I would be late for my work. I have no time to stop awhile for some quiet moments with the ONE who gives time. I was busy preparing myself. I was running late. I have no time, so I thought. 

Has the GIVER of time made some mistakes in his calculation and distribution of time? The hours seem short. I feel like I always do not have time for the things I want to do and accomplish. Did God make some mistakes somewhere?


This morning, I thought of reading again the poem and these lines caught my attention: 

Lord, I have time

I have plenty of time, 

All the time that you give me,

The years of my life, 

The days of my life

The days of my years, 

The hours of my days, 

They are all mine.

Mine to fill quietly, calmly

But to fill completely, up to the brim


Oh, I realized, that indeed, I have plenty of time.

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