Baguio's Night Market

Okay, first thing first. I actually almost held back from posting this entry as this will reveal something about my personality (or shall i say character?) of being such a frugal when it comes to buying clothes. I really do not know you would think about that, but I am just particularly happy about this thing. So, here goes.

Two months ago I saw a blue blazer in one of the boutiques at a popular mall here. I really wanted to buy but it was a bit pricey to me (with emphasis on the words to me). It costs P795.00. If I wanted to, I could buy the blazer right there and then, but I found it difficult to shell out such amount for a piece of clothing which at that moment was not a necessity for me. To make the story short, I did not buy the blazer. On several occasions though, I remember checking whether or not it has been sold out already and felt relieved to see it still on display along with other merchandise. I even went to the mall one time during sale in the hope of finding it on a marked down  price but then the 10% discount for me was not enough (I was hoping for 20-50% discount, lol!).

Came Friday last week. I was on official business travel to Baguio and I took the opportunity to go to the night market (flea market) along Harrison Road. Before the night market starts at 9:00 p.m.,  I was able to run through some selections at ukay-ukay shops along Bayanihan where I happened to buy 2 pcs. of blazers at P250.00 each. I waited a little while until the shops opened at 9:00 o'clock in the evening. There I jostled through the crowd, looking for blazers. As usual, the night market is jam packed! There are lots and lots of merchandise such as shoes, shirts, jackets, dresses, blouses and other items that are up for grabs at very low, low prices (for as low as P10!) 

Baguio's night market has become a haven of cheap yet great finds, usually clothing, for Baguio people and tourists alike. Below photos (not mine) show how this activity has turned out to be one of the major night activities in the city:

Hooray to me for finding some blazers after patiently scanning through plenty of displayed items on racks. The first one (below pix) I got for P80 only. I love the pockets and the mesh detail at the front and back.

The photo below shows the rest of the items that I bought. The one with white lining and ribbon on both pockets costs P250 (I got this from the Bayanihan shop), while the imperial purple one (upper left and lower left) which needs change of buttons, by the way, was only P50, like the polka dotted one. There were two (2) pieces more. But before I decided to write this post, I already soaked them for washing. That's the reason they did not make it in this photo shoot haha!

Overall, I spent P730 for several pieces of good quality blazers. So when I think of my buy at Baguio City's night market and the blazer worth P795 which I've seen in the mall two months ago, I couldn't help but smile. Being able to buy six items at a price which is a lot cheaper than that of the lone piece of item in the mall sounds pretty smart, don't you think?  

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