My Blog Signature

Lately I've been caught up with the plan of changing the entire look of my blog and switching and importing my current blog to other host sites.  Either way, I'm stuck - and I gave up at this point in time as I realized that I have not gone yet to that point of overhauling this entire thing (I mean my blog) technically wise. I just got too inspired and overwhelmed by several bloggers who have managed to create and design their own sites. That was so interesting that I thought of doing the same. I have the option though to get the service of other host sites but then doing so would require a purchase, so I put aside this option. 
Over the entire week I've been scanning through several blogs both on Google and Wordpress - and the designs and lay out templates put an envy on me (not the negative type of envy hahaha!) that I wish I could design and layout my blog as wonderful and systematic like those ones. For several hours, I've found myself working on some template codes to get it done on my blog but then in most attempts I failed (sigh!) - this is particularly true when I tried to put signature on every post. I painstakingly followed through the steps recommended by one blogger. I was glad to see my signature during preview, but when I applied the template on my blog and checked on my posts, NO signature actually appears. Instead, what popped up at the topmost portion of my blog was the CSS codes that I have put in! And that was frustrating! I have successfully managed though, to label my posts and add the LABELS gadget on my right bar. You see the LABELS on the right side of my blog post? Yeah, that's it. That's one of the results of my navigation attempts on CSS codes haha! Crazy me! For a non-tech savvy like me, applying CSS codes and getting the desired look for my blog seem to be difficult for me to do at this moment. I admit though that'd pretty easy, I just need time and patience to get things done. Yeah, correct. Time and patience. So for other things (layout, design and background) I guess in time I will (can) do that. 
On the other note, I am happy that I came across another blogpost on how to put signature on blog entries. I like the idea of having a signature after every post - that makes it more intimate and personalized right? haha I'm such a bummer! 
Anyway, here it is - my signature, MHY FOR MHY STORIES (Mhy is my pet name, and MhyStories for my blog description). I chose the cursive and curly font which seems to be dancing and moving and flowing and free!!! And the color red was not my real choice. I was hoping to have pink or purple or lilac or any shades in between, but then I cannot get the bar on the color of my choice - so red was the color! 
This signature will automatically appear right after every post I publish on my blog. 

post signature

I think this signature says a lot about my personality

Lastly, I just want to say that I love this signature!

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