My Chicken Adobo Recipe

Adobo. There are many versions of this popular local dish. My mother cooks adobo in such a way that she lets it sit in low fire until the sauce becomes dry. On some occasions, she lets it simmer just right in order for us to have enough amount of sauce to pour into our rice bowls. 

During childhood, whenever my beloved bapa (uncle) would come home with some chicken, mother would usually cook adobo. By then, I and my older siblings would patiently wait while the meat was being boiled and tenderized in a cooking pot over a firewood-stove set on the ground at our backyard. Mother would usually add tomatoes in her adobo (not all the time though). From childhood until now, I must say that mother's adobo has tasted simply the best for me:-)

What I'm sharing in this blogpost is completely different however in the way adobo is done at home. It is a recipe I've learned from my former colleague in Singapore. It's worth a try, I must say. So let's get started:

Pork or chicken
Potatoes (optional)
vinegar or lime juice (for my recipe, I used lime juice)
soy sauce
garlic (crushed)
chili pepper (optional)
Ground pepper 
ginger (crushed) (NOTE: only for chicken adobo)


1. Boil meat for 30 minutes. Set aside.
2. Prepare marinade sauce using the stock. Add all the ingredients listed above except chili pepper, potatoes and onion. (Remember to use ginger only for chicken adobo)
3. Marinate the meat into the sauce for 15-30 minutes. 
4. In a separate pan, fry the potatoes, then the marinated meat for 5 minutes.
5. Add the marinade sauce for soup base. (Add water depending on your taste)
6. Simmer. 
7. Sprinkle onions and chili pepper 

It may look like a bistig, but this is the  adobo recipe which is definitely worth a try:-)

Enjoy your chicken adobo meal! 

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