In my previous post  (, I talked about our Japanese training at the Japan Intercultural Academy or the JIAM and how I feel about the month-long stay at this facility, based on my own experience. As I said, I would write a second part containing my fond memories of this place.

Here is my list of memories,  in no particular order:

JIAM now reminds me of daily breakfast and lunch buffets served at the dining hall;

  Croissants are my fave part of breakfast 😃

Aside from daily homework and the regular weekly tests, JIAM reminds me of the mini-tests and exercises  given daily and right after every Japanese Class;

JIAM reminds me of newly-found friendships, of the beauty and chaos of putting trainees with different nationalities, cultures, languages and backgrounds altogether in one place;

During Andreia's bday celebration at the 5th floor lounge. 

JIAM reminds me of laughters, long talks and brief conversations at the lounges, in the hallways, over breakfast, lunch and dinner at the dining hall;

   JIAM's dining hall - my second favorite place at JIAM, next to my room, haha! 

JIAM reminds me of group study mostly after dinner, and the independent study hour after lunch which allows me to finish one or two of my daily homework;

Joining the group study @ men's dorm - 3rd floor lounge. Downstairs lounge at the ladies dorm was more often used for individual Internet surfing than group studies. 

During the independent study hour 

JIAM reminds me of the importance of keshi gomu (rubber eraser);

JIAM reminds me of the head chef at the dining hall who exactly knows what fruits I like!

He is the head chef. Sometimes he would go on a sole duty on weekends. This was during a party at the lounge when he approached and informed me that there is a pizza with pineapple toppings on the menu!

JIAM reminds me that boys can finish up their cash card buying drinks such as sakae and beer from the lounge 😁;

JIAM reminds me of colleagues, Tai and Kim, who are really fun to be with!;

Kim, not here on this photo, though

JIAM reminds me of Tami, Priscilla and Jessica;

JIAM reminds me of two Chinese doctors in our group, one of whom belongs to SORA Class;

JIAM reminds me of dinner set and lunch buffet which I would oftentimes skip because I still feel full from eating a lot during breakfast lol! 

JIAM reminds me that dinner starts at 5:30 pm!

JIAM reminds me of Japanese love for miso soup;

Some times I would get confused which food to take from the buffet. There are sample breakfast, lunch buffet and dinner set which I have particularly enjoyed lol!

JIAM reminds me that it's a difficult thing to do a last minute shopping at the JIAM Store  just to spend some good amount left on the cash card!

This is how our cash cards look like. One card (top) was the newly-issued.

JIAM reminds me of all my sensei: sensei Takeuchi, sensei Nakamura, sensei Suzuki and sensei Sawami;

JIAM reminds me of making reservation for weekend meals;

JIAM reminds me of Japan's efforts to keep the waters of Lake Biwa unpolluted by encouraging the use of environment-friendly laundry detergent;

These are the detergent soap sold at JIAM!

Inside the laundry room

JIAM made me think that Japanese don't spend the 15-minute break in between classes staying and hanging around the hallways and corridors; only foreigners like us do 😁;

I've never seen any Japanese hanging around on corridor or hallways even during breaktime. Japanese guys would often go to the designated smoking area to smoke during breaktime.

JIAM reminds me of free use of computers, printers, copiers and of free supply of paper and materials ;

JIAM reminds me of Mr. Moore and his enthusiasm and efforts to ensure that we had a nice stay at JIAM ;

JIAM reminds me of all the nice CLAIR staff! Thank you!!!!

This is just one of the cold days, before Homeroom. Joe is back from Tokyo and he's bringing some good cookies distributed to the class that day. 

JIAM  reminds me of my SORA CLASS especially my guy classmates !

JIAM reminds me that I am not sporty enough to play sports or do some fitness activities inside the gym; 

JIAM reminds me of the weighing scale inside the ladies shower room where I would always keep track of my weight on a regular basis lol! 

The weighing scale inside the shower room where I regularly monitor my weight

JIAM reminds me of the walks to a nearby supermarket after class or during nighttime, mostly with Tami;

JIAM reminds me of the sufficient and fresh supply of linens at the linen closet and of tissue paper at the storage room;

This is the linen closet. Below is a photo of boxes for dirty linens

Inside the storage room. Iron boards, iron stands, vacuum sets are properly arranged. 

JIAM reminds me of its house rule to change bed linens and pillow covers every week;

JIAM reminds me of Japan's serious efforts to segregate trash;

JIAM reminds me of the bicycles that I never rode because they are too high for a beginner like me;

JIAM reminds me of the times we laughed at ourselves for our mistakes in class because Nihongo is muzukashi haha!

JIAM reminds me of single occupancy bedrooms;

JIAM reminds me of my cozy bed which makes me forget I (still) had some homework to do;

This is my nook. Below photo on the right side shows cleaning-up time

JIAM reminds me of Maggie, the trainee next to my room, who stayed late at night studying while I was fast asleep 😁 in my own room;

JIAM reminds me of the lounge at the 5th floor lobby which gives a nice view of Biwa-ko and  citylights during night time;

JIAM reminds me of the quiet campus lawn and fields where nobody loiters and hangs around;

JIAM, at one angle.

JIAM reminds me of the quiet, charming and clean neighborhood;

JIAM reminds me of many other good things which I will not be able to write all in here.

JIAM reminds me of good memories ☺️

And yes, now JIAM reminds me that I still have some homework to do and send to ARC Academy until November! 

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